Awase | 合 わ せ | creating harmony | |
Funakogi | 船 漕 ぎ | rowing | |
Funakogi waza | 船 漕 ぎ 技 | rowing exercise | |
Hitoriwaza | 一 人 技 | practice by oneself | |
Kata | 形 | form | |
Katana o nuku | 刀 を 抜 く | unsheathe a sword | |
Katana o sasu | 刀 を 挿 す | Sheathe a sword | |
Kenkotaiso | 健 康 体 操 | health exercises | |
Kokyu-Dosa | 呼 吸 動 作 | sitting practice with partner holding with Ryotetori | |
Kumiwaza | 組 み 技 | practice in a couple | |
Mae Ukemi | 前 受 け 身 | rolling forward | |
Misogi | 禊 | ritual purification | |
Mokuso | 黙 想 | meditation | |
Randori | 乱 取 り | free-style practice or sparring, sometimes with multiple attackers | |
Seitaiho | 整 体 法 | exercises to correct your own posture | |
Sotaiho | 操 体 法 | method to affect the body of another person | |
Suburi | 素 振 り | repetitive, individual, cutting exercises | |
Taigi | 体 技 | set of techniques | |
Taiso | 体 操 | physical exercise, gymnastics | |
Tameshigiri | 試 し 切 り | test cutting | |
Taninzugake | 多 人 数 掛 け | multiple attackers (see also randori) | |
Udefuri | 腕 振 り | shake arms | |
Ukemi | 受 け 身 | receiving, falling, rolling | |
Ushiro Ukemi | 後 ろ 受 け 身 | rolling backward | |
Yoko Ukemi | 横 受 け 身 | rolling sidewards | |
Zenshinundo | 前 進 運 動 | forward movement | |
Zenshinwaza | 前 進 技 | forward exercise | |